Lessons Solo Travel Has Taught Me

Solo travel teaches you some of the most valuable life lessons. It’s also one of the best experiences of life.
Traveling alone has made me a stronger individual. No two ways about it. I have been asked quite a few times that what made me take my first solo trip – well, to be honest, there was nothing specific. I remember it quite vividly when I decided to travel solo.
There was no social media at that time – it was 2011. I hadn’t started my blog back then. I was totally raw. I had no inspiration or enticement to follow. I just followed my heart.
I had an ardent desire to explore a place from my own perspective – I guess that’s what we termed as ‘solo travel’.
I was excited to travel to a new destination on my own, feel its vibe, immerse myself into its magic and do my own thing. I have always been a photography enthusiast. Thus, traveling alone fascinated me even more. I knew that if I traveled solo, I’d have more time and freedom to take pictures. I wouldn’t have any pressure. So that was definitely one of the things.
Besides, the whole idea of setting out on an adventure of your own was super thrilling. In fact, I have a very interesting story to share about my first solo trip, which was to Udaipur (Rajasthan).
It was a Diwali break. I worked in a publishing company as a Copywriter in Delhi.
I was meant to travel on Diwali eve, which I guess was not a very suitable day to travel. Delhi is jampacked on festivals, especially Diwali. I was supposed to catch an overnight train to Udaipur from Nizamuddin station, which was very far from my place. I guess I took the Delhi jam a little lightly that day and I ended up missing my train. Yes, the adventure began the very first day of my first solo travel.
Well, I saw my train depart the station right in front of me. I even tried running after it and I even asked a few passengers onboard to drag me in. But that was all in vain. The train had left and I stood still at the platform, very much in dismay. However, I was still hellbent about traveling that day. I went to the ticket counter to check if I could catch the train from the next station, which was not quite possible. I called up my mom and told her about my misery. She asked me to return home immediately.
I returned home, but I didn’t sit still even for a single second until I had booked my tickets to Udaipur for the following day, which was the Diwali day. The next day the streets were totally empty, and the train was empty, too. BUT, it was a safe journey. I reached Udaipur in the morning with all the happiness in my heart.
The hotel (Baba Palace) had sent a car to receive me from the train station. So yes, the trip began on a very good note. The hotel was a budget option – it was reasonably good, clean and safe. So, that was my first brush with solo travel.
It was beautiful!
I have learnt quite a lot through each solo trip that I have taken thus far. Even though I don’t support the idea that traveling alone is better than any other kind of travel, I do recommend solo travel to everyone, at least once in their lifetime.
Travel is such a privilege. As you travel to different places, discover different cultures, traditions, cuisines and meet so many new people, you learn through each experience. And then, there are two sides to travel – the other side is the ‘not so good’ side.
There are travel experiences, which are not so nice or pleasant. You miss a train/plane. You fall sick or your car breaks down in the middle of nowhere. The weather is bad and you’re not able to step out. The roads are extremely bad and you have a long and tiring journey to take to reach your destination. You run out of money. There are so many misadventures and challenges that you have to face as a traveler.
Nevertheless, travel is pure magic.
Lessons Solo Travel Has Taught Me
I can be happy on my own.
The biggest lesson that solo travel can teach anyone traveling alone is that you don’t need to depend on anyone for your own happiness. I don’t know about you, but I have discovered that I don’t really need anyone to be happy.
Most of the time, people want to be with someone because they don’t want to be alone. It’s very hard for them to be alone. In my opinion, you should be with someone to be by their side. You’re happier when you know how to enjoy your own company.
“You are the one that possesses the keys to your being. You carry the passport to your own happiness.” – Diane Von Furstenberg
It’s not so bad to trust strangers.
Travel really tests your ability to trust strangers. You got to trust a lot of strangers when you are alone on the road. And, it’s a beautiful thing.
I have been alone with strangers so many times, at so many places – the streets of a new city, in the desert, in remote villages, and on the highways. Such experiences have taught me to trust my instinct about people.
I have learnt to trust people and their goodness. And, people are generally good.
I have rediscovered myself.
Traveling solo has made me build a strong relationship with my own self. It has made me realize so many of my own attributes and strengths, which I wouldn’t have known otherwise.
When I am alone in an unfamiliar place, and I have a situation where I need to take a quick decision or deal with a problem, I have the confidence to do it. I don’t remember being clueless or helpless in any of my solo trips ever.
I also feel that when you’re alone in a completely new place, where nobody knows you, you are able to reaffirm your values, viewpoints and thoughts. It’s like you are what you are even when nobody is there to judge you.
I get to be my true self when I’m traveling alone, and that’s the best part.
Also read: 11 Things You Didn’t Know About Me
People are important.
My conversations with different people from different places and communities have taught me a significant lesson – to value people deeply.
I have never been a people’s person. It’s only because of my solo travels that I have learnt to interact with people and enrich myself as an individual. In fact, I enjoy talking to people now. It’s one of the most important aspects of my travels now.
I think I have become more accepting of people because of my solo journeys.
Not all men are waiting to pounce on you!
As a solo female traveller, the most precious lesson that I have learnt is that not all men are lecherous. In fact, I have come across extremely respectful and kind men on my solo trips.
Be it my chauffeurs, guides, waiters, travel agents or hotel managers in various destinations across the country and even abroad – they all have been amazing!
I am more adventurous than I thought.
Solo travel has also taught me that I can try new things without squirming. Whether it’s sipping a local beverage of a region, going for an impromptu hike through remote villages or traveling on dangerous hilly terrains, my passion for travel makes me do anything and everything.
And, I have no regrets. The most beautiful part of traveling alone is that you don’t regret anything. Every experience whether it’s good or bad teaches you something and it’s worthwhile.
Solo travel has taught me to be independent about so many little things.
I usually depend on my companions for stuff like navigating a new place, using technology, searching for a restaurant and working out a deal. However, when I’m alone on the road, I do all of that myself, and quite efficiently.
For instance, my solo trip in Kashmir, which was one of my most memorable travels – I got quite familiar with Srinagar, the capital. I used to navigate it independently without any help.
I have learnt to manage money.
Money is pivotal when you’re traveling, especially when you’re traveling solo. I have never been good with my finances. However, after I started traveling on my own, I slowly learnt to count every penny that I spent. Now it’s a habit that I can’t get rid of.
On every trip, I sit down to write my expenses at the end of the day. I mention each and everything that I spend my money on – from my flight fare to a small water bottle. It helps me get a clear picture of my trip expenses, which helps me plan my future trips better.
At the end of a trip, I always know how much I have splashed out!
Solo travel has helped me in my relationships.
When you’re out there in the world by yourself, you get a chance to see things from your own perspective. You get a chance to build your own viewpoints based on what you experience.
Travel opens up so much for you. Travel completes you. It makes you whole. Thus, when you live with the people in your life – your spouse, family, siblings, and friends, there’s a different energy you feel.
You are able to nurture your relationships better, because you have a broad perspective of the world outside. You know you have the freedom to experience an alternative life – the life of travel, which gives you the ability to enjoy your relationships.
What has solo travel taught you?
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