How To Be Happy During A Pandemic?

A part of me is pining to set out to the mountains or to the forests…to be with nature somewhere far. However, I know that we are locked down for our own good.
Besides, the pandemic is not going to last forever. Even though this ‘slow life’ has its economic repercussions, it will prove to be good for us in the long run. That’s what I believe in. I also strongly believe that it’s the opportunity for the privileged to help the underprivileged. If you have something a little extra, give it to someone who lacks it, or doesn’t have it at all.
I am happy because I am able to do a lot of things that I had been procrastinating for ages, such as writing an e-book, improving my blog, working on my old blog posts and launching a new “photography” Instagram account.
I believe if you can’t control or escape a situation, it’s better to embrace it happily. What do you say?
I don’t want to sound preachy or idealistic. I understand that everybody has different lives, and not everybody can afford to enjoy this lockdown. There are people who are struggling to make their ends meet.
But, if you’re someone who has a home and loved ones around, I’d like to encourage you to make the most of the current scenario.
“Take this Lockdown phase as a Silver Lining to concentrate on your self-happiness.” ― Somya Kedia
How To Be Happy During A Pandemic?
Take one day at a time.
The wisest thing to do right now is to take each day as it comes. You cannot really predict the future. If you begin to think about what will happen tomorrow, it can be overwhelming and you don’t deserve that. Do you?
There are different projections about Coronavirus that are floating around. We are being told that we need to learn to live with it. The numbers are going to grow more in the days to come, and so on.
The lockdown has made people fearful about their jobs and career. Yes, it’s not so easy to control fear or worry. But, you can definitely train your mind to take one day at a time and be happy – give your best to each day that you get to live.
“Therefore, do not be anxious about tomorrow, for tomorrow will be anxious for itself. Sufficient for the day is its own trouble.” – Matthew 6:34 (The Bible)
Be hopeful.
Hope is powerful. Get out of bed each day with a hopeful heart that something good is going to happen. Hope may not give you what you desire, but it will give you the courage to do good. It will strengthen you to work towards your goals. It will sustain you and keep you happy.
“Never lose hope. Storms make people stronger and never last forever.” ― Roy T. Bennett, The Light in the Heart
Be mentally active.
To keep your mind from being purposeless and thinking stuff that weighs you down, keep it purposeful. Have a work agenda, give yourself projects to finish, upgrade your skills, learn new skills, attend trainings, webinars, etc.
There’s a lot to do. Be purposeful. Write down your short-term goals in a diary. Even if you are not able to achieve all your goals, you will end up ticking off at least some of them.
“If you want to be happy, set a goal that commands your thoughts, liberates your energy and inspires your hopes.” —Andrew Carnegie
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Get up early, seize the day.
Well, I am not an early riser! I like to sleep in. I guess it’s okay to go to bed anytime and get up anytime as long as you don’t feel bad about it. But, if you do feel somewhere in your heart that your days are just slipping away and you’re not able to accomplish much…Get up early!
I have always felt and experienced the benefits of rising early – I feel more energetic; my mind works better; I’m able to do what I want to do; and I still have a lot of the day left to spend the way I want.
“Go to bed early and wake up early. The morning hours are good.” – Jeff Bezos
Set up a work space.
If you’ve got work from home during the pandemic, make sure you have a comfy work space. It’s important to have a designated work space in your house for your mind to be vigilant and more productive.
As a freelancer, I do make it a point to have the conducive atmosphere to do my work. I keep distractions at bay. For instance, I like to be alone when I’m doing my writing work.
Don’t feel guilty or grouchy about anything.
We tend to feel grouchy about our own bad habits. We want to overcome something and when we are unable to, we feel bad about it. Maybe you are trying to quit smoking and you end up smoking quite a lot, or you need to be more disciplined with your daily routine, but you are lazy.
Be kind to yourself. Don’t feel guilty about anything. Just keep making efforts towards your betterment. Everyone has some weakness or the other. You will get over it, sooner or later (as long as you take specific actions towards it). The idea is to enjoy the journey of overcoming!
Stay away from negativity. Consume news wisely.
The most significant aspect of staying happy during this lockdown is staying away from negativity. Yes, you can’t cultivate your happiness if you allow negativity to make its way in your mind. Decide to stay positive.
While it’s important to stay updated on COVID-19, you should limit your news consumption. Don’t be a ‘newsholic’! Don’t forward or read any random WhatsApp message that comes your way. Discourage people from talking negative.
Speak positive words often to strengthen your inner being and also to strengthen others around you.
Read good books; if you’re not a reader, listen to books, watch movies, shows.
Make time for some healthy recreation. Read books that uplift you mentally, emotionally or spiritually. If you don’t enjoy reading, opt for a story telling app on your phone and listen to some good books while you’re quietly sipping tea in your balcony or maybe while you are doing the dishes.
There’s enough good content available online for you to devour. But, be careful what you watch! Don’t just waste your time watching stuff that doesn’t leave a positive impact on your mind and soul.
Get creative: paint, sketch, cook, bake, sing, dance or write.
Let your creativity blossom during this pandemic! What is that one thing that gives you joy? What is it that works like meditation for you? It could be painting, sketching, writing, singing or baking.
Don’t just cook as a chore. Enjoy the process – get a recipe, the ingredients, cook, get your best cutlery out, set the table and take pleasure in your own cooking.
Do some physical exercise. Take care of your health.
It’s time we invest in our physical fitness. It could be a 5-minute breathing exercise, a 30-minute walk or a 20-minute yoga. Just do it! Don’t sweat to get into a perfect shape. Exercise to feel good and stay fit.
Drink lots of water through the day, try to eat healthy, have green tea, spend time in the midst of nature if possible, nourish your skin, hair, and have good thoughts on purpose.
Keep indoor plants, enjoy the feeling of nurturing.
Indoor plants exude a beautiful aura. Even when you’re not able to step out, you can feel refreshed within your home with some lovely indoor plants. Also, you can have a small garden in your balcony or portico, where you can grow your favourite plants or even veggies.
The feeling of nurturing something is joyous and satisfying. Isn’t it?
Also read: Why I Like Returning Home After Every Trip
Support a cause, give your voice to something that you believe in.
The pandemic is also an excellent opportunity for each one of us to reach out to people in love. It could be in the form of helping someone in need or supporting a cause. If you have a voice, give it to something that needs attention.
You can support NGOs that are providing daily essentials to the poor in this difficult time. Promote their campaigns on your social media, offer to volunteer, or donate funds if you can.
Plan your future trip.
Yes, planning a trip is an exhilarating experience. We may have been asked to stay home and travel is not a wise thing to do in the current scenario, but there’s nothing wrong in dreaming about travel. Right?
Besides, research says that there are mental benefits of thinking about a future vacation.
Stay connected!
Talk to friends. Have video chats. Plan digital get-togethers! Play digital games, share thoughts and build each other up.
In times like these, when we are supposed to be confined to our homes, it’s even more important to call up friends and loved ones on a regular basis.
You never know who might need to hear from you! Besides, talking to a friend is always a mood lifter.
Enjoy the slow pace of life.
If life has chosen to be slow in the wake of Coronavirus, embrace it. Savour the slow living. Don’t crave for weekly movie nights, shopping malls, restaurants, cafes, bars, and traffic jams.
Be grateful for the privilege of staying home. Slow down, live each moment with consciousness and learn to be content. Let peace be the priority of your life. Never say that you are bored when you are aware that there are millions who struggle for food, water and shelter.
“The true secret of happiness lies in the taking a genuine interest in all the details of daily life.” – William Morris
Let your life be about faith, hope, love, kindness, creativity, music, art, colours, beauty, and knowledge that enriches.
How are you coping with the lockdown life?
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