So How Do I Manage To Travel?

I often get asked questions like how do I manage to travel so much, who funds my travels and how do I get so many leaves. Well, for the last question, you can read my story – How did I quit the cubicle for the road. And, before I spill the beans on how do I manage to travel so much, let me tell you that I don’t get to travel as much as I’d really like to. I travel four to five times a year, which I believe is quite scarce for a full time travel blogger like me. Isn’t it? I should be travelling a lot more to be able to feed my blog with good travel stories. So, things are not as rosy as they appear on Instagram or Facebook. But, they aren’t too bad either. I do manage to travel, which is why I have this blog in the first place!
Also read: 10 Tips On How To Travel More In 2019
Who funds my travels?
Believe me, I have been asked this question so many times. It’s hard for most people to grasp the fact that someone can really travel freely and live her dream life. I can perfectly understand that. I know it can be totally unbelievable for most people. But, let me tell you it’s not so far-fetched. The life that I am living is definitely not easy, but it’s adventurous, thrilling and enriching. Since I am a freelance writer, I don’t have a regular income. I make money in bits and pieces that I keep gathering in my bank account. So, yes, I fund all my travels. Being a blogger, I do get sponsored stays once in a while. But, I don’t depend on such perks, because I have to travel irrespective of whether somebody agrees to host me or not.
So how do I really manage to travel?
I am definitely not rich. I guess the only thing that works in my favour is that I have a supportive family, who backs me emotionally and infuses in me the courage to pursue my dreams. Another thing that works for me is my own determination to do what I want to do. I don’t believe in being envious of what others are doing. I’d rather like to make my own life enviable. It’s difficult, but it’s possible.
What’s my SECRET to materialising a travel plan?
The easiest way to make your travel plan successful is by taking ‘one step at a time’. I don’t bombard my mind with everything that I need to do in order to take a trip – flight/train tickets, accommodation booking, itinerary planning, budgeting and so on. I believe budgeting out your trip in the beginning is not a bright idea. The first thing that you should do (and perhaps the smartest, too) is booking your plane/train tickets. I book my tickets even if I’m short on funds – even if I have no idea about my next month’s financial position. I take one step at a time and it works! And, I always book refundable flight tickets, so that if I choose to cancel or change my travel plans later, I don’t lose money.
Also read How Do I Plan My Travels
I try to keep a ‘travel fund’.
The practice of putting some money aside just for travel, which I started a few years back helped me visit so many destinations despite the financial difficulties. If I didn’t have a separate bank account for my travel fund, it would have been impossible for me to materialize my travel to Odisha or Kerala. I don’t think a traveller should even breathe without a piggy bank.
I’m able to travel because I put travel in the forefront.
Finally, I’d like to tell you to stop making excuses and start travelling! Money is only one of the factors that you need to consider to be able to travel. As long as you have the sincere willingness to travel, nothing can stop you.
Do you have any more questions? Ask away!
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