I’M Finally Going To My ‘Dream’ Destination!

I have been plotting and planning to set foot in Kashmir for quite a while now. I wanted to tick it off last year when I was travelling in Sikkim. I even had my accommodation sorted out, but I had to cancel the trip eventually due to no train reservations available. Of course, I was disappointed. But, I was also determined to make it there the next year, which is now!
And even this time it hasn’t been a smooth ride. My original flight to Srinagar got cancelled. So, I had to get an alternate booking done, which is weird – I’ll be flying from Hyderabad to Bangalore, and then from Bangalore to Delhi, and finally Delhi to Srinagar. Well, I’m taking it as a dash of thrill before the curtain raises (i.e. before I reach Srinagar).
I’m penning this post from the airport, where I have a toddler prancing around me and making my life miserable with his shrill wailing. But, I’m okay! I’m looking forward to landing in Kashmir!
So what am I hoping to do in Kashmir –
Gaze the mountains
I have no fixed itinerary or sightseeing places listed out. Though I’d like to visit towns like Sonmarg, Gulmarg and also a few lesser-known ones, my primary aim of visiting Kashmir is to gaze the mountains. I don’t think I want to do anything else. I mean nothing else really matters. I want to witness the sheer divinity of the Himalayas and just get numbed by it.

Take lots of photos
I’m ferociously looking forward to taking photos in Kashmir. I want to do my best to capture its beauty. However, I’m also a bit concerned about whether I’d be able to roam around freely and take photos as and when I feel like or I’d need to have a local accompany me everywhere.
Taste some great Kashmiri food
I would like to try out some old authentic dishes of Kashmir, explore the bakeries and of course, drink Kahwah(the traditional Kashmiri chai). I’d like to enjoy the spontaneity of discovering random places to eat, and then maybe frequenting them every day till I’m in Srinagar.

Get acquainted to the people of Kashmir
I really hope to strike some fabulous conversations with the locals, know about their lives and quirks. I’m curious to know the ‘real’ or normal side of Kashmir rather than what it is perceived to be.

That’s about it.
By the time you’d be reading this post, I’d have already landed in Srinagar.
Have you been to Kashmir? What tips do you have for me?
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