7 Things I Miss ‘When I Am Not Travelling’

Do you crave the road when you are not travelling? I believe it’s a common syndrome of our ‘wanderlusty’ souls that our feet begin to itch badly if we have not been on the road for a while. It’s normal and it’s absolutely fine! The only cure for this craving is running your finger on a map and deciding on a destination. Booking a plane ticket also helps!
But, I would like to talk about what exactly do I miss when I am not travelling – what are the things that make me fall in love with travel again and again? Well, there are innumerable things to love about travel. It’s hard to even squeeze it in one post, because each experience on the road is full of new lessons and memories that just boosts a traveller’s curiosity for places.
Today, I just want to share the sweet nuggets of travel that keep whispering in my ears that I need to pack my bags soon –
The feeling of a new place, new atmosphere –
There is a certain feeling of arriving in a new place. How do I describe it? It’s an amazing kind of joy – not an obvious ecstasy, but a joy that catches up slowly. I feel it every time I set foot in a new city or even a place where I have been before. I like checking out my (hotel) room, the bathroom and the view from the foyer. I absolutely love being pampered by my hosts at wherever I stay. I also enjoy little things like being asked for tea or coffee.
Also read: 10 Tips On How To Travel More
The spontaneity of being on my own –
Since I mostly travel solo, I enjoy being on my own while travelling. I like the freedom and the ‘no agenda’ part of being on my own. I enjoy it when I set out to explore a place – I truly live that moment, I tell myself that I am doing what I love the most.
My pleasantries with cabbies and other helpers –
Perhaps I can write a book on my chitchats with taxi guys, auto wallahs, hotel attendants and waiters. It’s wonderful to talk to these folks. Be it my sojourns in Mumbai, Gujarat, Sikkim or Rajasthan, I have befriended such people with ease. Not to mention, these folks turn out to be good advisers, too.
The joy of discovering and snapping photos –
I guess it’s pretty obvious for travel enthusiasts to miss discovering new sights while they are not travelling. But, I still want to stress on this part – I just love the feeling of discovering a new place. As far as taking photos is concerned, I’d like to admit unabashedly that photography is my topmost purpose behind visiting a place. I feel a deep level of satisfaction within me after I have taken some good photographs of a place.
Also read: How To Take Better Travel Photographs
Absence of emotional strings and judgments –
One of the best aspects of travel is that you are not emotionally attached to anybody and you are not judged for being who you are! It’s like a world of total freedom – no emotional strings, no judgments, no arguments, no rules and absolutely no pressures.
Possibilities of surprises every day –
When I am not travelling, I follow a certain routine. Everything is predictable. Although my life at home is comfortable, it’s mundane. That’s why I miss the thrills and surprises of the road. The surprise could unfold in any manner – it could be in the form of eating dinner with amiable people, getting a free bike ride with a local or receiving an invitation for a cup of tea from someone.
The constant sense of wonder –
What do we travel for? We travel to be amazed, isn’t it? Travel is the real way of experiencing life. I believe those who don’t travel only exist. If you are doing only what you are supposed to do and die one day, what’s the point of living? Every single person who is born into the world is born with the privilege to discover, explore, learn and grow.
Also read: Why Is Travel Better Than Education
What do you miss the most when you are not traveling?
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