How Travel Blogging Saved My Life!

Today, I complete my three years as a travel blogger. What a triumphant feeling it is! Not because I have done something extraordinary or I have tons of following. Nah… It’s an awesome achievement because I am at it vehemently!
My life has changed drastically in the last couple of years. I had lived many years of ‘I don’t want to be doing what I’m doing’ and ‘I want to do what I want to do’ until I started this blog.
Also read Why I Like Being A Travel Blogger
I have already talked a great deal about how this blog started and how I quit my job and all, so I wouldn’t want to get into that again. To commemorate the success of this travel blog, I’d like to talk about how it saved my life. Yes, I believe my blog is a success because it has given me a direction, purpose, power, freedom, and the love of people, which is far greater than the “success” that’s considered success by the world.
In my opinion, you are successful if you are doing what you really like doing and if you are doing it consistently. As long as you are on your way, you will reach where you are set out to reach (sooner or later, that doesn’t really matter). Before this blog started, I had an unknown, but a very potent urge to do something that would make me come alive. I always wanted to make a name for myself. But, I was clueless about how to go about doing that. Even when I started penning this blog, I didn’t know it would give me my much desired ‘dream life’.
My blog is not just my hobby or job, but it’s a reflection of who I am. So, when I say that it saved my life, I mean that it has rescued me from the stifled life that I could have lived had I not chosen this path.
Everybody has a calling in life – it could be to travel or anything else. You got to find your own path. You got to grab something and be good at it. I believe you are unsuccessful if you spend your life wondering, wishing and sighing. Don’t find yourself saying, “I wish I had done that if only I had enough money… if only my family had supported me… or if only I was a little younger.” Find yourself saying, “I’m going to start small… I’m going to hone my skills… I’m going to learn no matter how old I am.”
The three most important lessons that I have learnt as a travel blogger in the last three years –
One, success is not a fluke or a jackpot that’s achievable by luck. It’s an ongoing process. If you are doing what you are made to do, success comes in proportion of your effort. So, it’s up to you how much effort you are willing to put in at what you are doing.
Two, communicating and learning can take you places (literally). Ask questions, find out what others are doing and be open to proposing ideas to others. I have no qualms about admitting that I have learnt a great deal of blogging from other bloggers. Learning from others doesn’t mean that you have to imitate them and lose your own uniqueness. You can still be your own person and grow into an entity that others would want to emulate.
Three, honesty and originality give you a secure space. I mean I wish I had more readers, more social media followers and high rankings, but I’m happy and content with what I can control, which is being honest with my readers.
Since it’s a celebratory post, let me give you quick glimpses of the 5 most successful posts on Voyager For Life –
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